Nutrition… Your Intimate Lover
Nutrition... your intimate lover
Nutrition is the most intimate partner (aside from Spirit) that you will ever have in your life.
I have worked with clients for 30 years and their relationship with food. People tend to stuff nutrition into a "feeling" or put the responsibility outside of themselves.
This subject couldn't be more INSIDE even if it tried.
We all know that every bit becomes every cell and yet we are conditioned to act like we have no idea why our bodies are showing up the way they have been.
After 3 decades and countless clients, I have come to believe that the body is quite resilient. Our bodies can endure quite a bit of long-lasting abuse. Therefore most every person doesn't reach out and hire a professional until it's nearly too late.
We have been blessed with a miracle of cells and trillions of systems organizing and re-organizing just to allow air to flow through our lungs. We are walking miracles and yet we have a very difficult time understanding that nutrition is our intimate partner.
How would your life shift if you treated nutrition, exercise, and your body as if it were the most intimate lover you have ever experienced here on earth? Please pause and think about that for a moment.
Would the beverages you ingest change?
How about the frequency?
What if you experienced every sip as an intimate lover?
What about your choices of food?
Would those change if you realized that every bite could feel like a tiny orgasm if you chose healthy nutrient-dense foods?
The list goes on... Lotions, oils, toothpaste, and laundry soap. All of these items are ingested into your system.
We've all heard it...the skin is our largest organ. Are you slathering yourself every day with healthy and delicious orgasmic lotions and oils?
I am
I experience small, yet profound little orgasms every time I take a sip or a bite.
My everything is gitty every time I dip my body into Ms Birds’ magical luxury body butter.
From my toothpaste to my toes every item I consume is delicious. We live in a world of abundance and resources. High-quality goods are not only for the rich and famous anymore. Notice your "reasons" ahem "excuses" for continuously choosing something you know is harmful to your body.
Notice how many times you brush something off as you put it into your mouth. Or when you say "It couldn't be that bad if it's on the shelf".
Yes. it can.
I implore you to read the ingredients. Ask questions and treat every single item that goes into and on your body as if it is a part of the most sacred relationship of your life. Because it is...
Remember, with dignity and reverence...
we choose this x. alli