Discipline without Sacrifice
Often when we think about discipline, we think “no pain no gain”. This couldn’t be any further from the truth in my experience. When we label something that is fortifying us to expand, grow and gain physical and emotional fortuity as a painful experience, we are draining the light right out. We have been conditioned improperly to see discipline as a sacrifice.
When we exercise and get physically stronger, will our muscles feel the growth? Yes. The sensation is exciting, not painful. The mindset or filter you are seeing that sensation is painful. I invite you to get curious about what benefit you are receiving; if any, on placing that mindset on top of the discipline. I realize that doing “one more lap” will cause heavier breathing and a level of heightened sensation.
Is that sensation truly painful? Or life fulfilling…
Does that sensation make you stronger or injured? There is a difference between growing and injuring yourself. Even the verbiage we use “push yourself harder”. Is a frequency that is not supportive. When I am bumping up against my perceived physical limits I always ask “a little more for growth? Or is it time to rest?” My relationship with the frequency of my body, mind, and food works in harmony. If I feel rest is needed, it is never from a place of lack or weakness. I see it as a sharp connection to my body’s needs.
First, it is important to clear the communication lines between our frequencies, bodies, and nourishment. We do this by using structured and precise guidance from someone who can show you the way out of the “foggy woods” we call “our daily diet”. Foods impact our nervous system and the internet clouds our knowledge of what to eat when to eat and how much to eat. Therefore when it comes to exercise and discipline with anything, we are living in a cloud of survival and cannot be guided by a clear frequency of coherence. This coherence is key to shifting from lack into abundance with discipline. When we are in lack, everything comes from sacrifice and control. When are clearly connected to our spirit, our bodies receive clear messages.
In order to ascend, we need to experience discipline from a different perspective.
First, we need to know that is even possible to live a disciplined life without ever feeling that you are “sacrificing, controlling, and forcing” your way into a strong body. I had a dear friend of mine at Arizona State University write her dissertation on “The effects of exercise when we are in different states of mind”. Meaning, she had a control group that was being yelled at to “go harder, push yourself, no pain no gain” and compared them with another group that experienced “ joy while exercising really hard, expand your strength, love yourself to a stronger you”. The difference and results were astonishing. The group that was yelled at actually gained weight, and incurred poor self-talk, low frequencies, and higher acid in their bodies. The other group lost weight, felt abundant, and had fun and the change was sustainable.
I invite you to notice our cultural conditioning and the frequencies they radiate.
Do we really need to experience pain for growth? nope.
Notice your conversation around discipline and realize that if it feels like a struggle, there is a more expansive way to live.
I am right here to lovingly guide you… every step of the way. Love can feel tough at times and knowing the difference between that and abuse is a biggie.
Remember, with dignity and reverence we choose this..
x. a