Carbs and Love

Where do you think the relationship between food and survival went from consuming for nutrition into a full-blown passionate lover?

Over the years, I have found that often people intertwine carbs and love. Somehow in history books, it was written that carbohydrates are needed to become our lovers. There is something satisfying about a soft chewy piece of freshly baked bread or the salty crunch of a potato chip. Or is it really that fulfilling? Our relationship with food is the most intimate and important relationship we have besides the one we have with our spirit. These two are intricately intertwined. The food we consume affects the frequencies we radiate and the frequencies we radiate contain our lineage, and experiences and therefore affect the foods we eat. In order to understand either of them, it is important to start small and work our way outward.

Let’s begin with food and basic nutrition. We all crave what we are currently eating. Read that again…

The food we “feel like” eating is the same food we are currently eating. These foods can either be thought of specifically or in general categories like carbs, proteins, sugars, processed foods, and so on. Most carbohydrates fall into something people have labeled as “comfort foods”. This culture of labeling foods as a way to comfort ourselves has poisoned our relationship with any high frequency foods. You see it in so many movies where there is a breakup and what is the first food the person with the broken heart grabs? Ice cream, chocolate or chips, beer or soda to “soothe” their heartache.

This is cultural conditioning.

If you think about it, those foods loaded with sugar don’t actually soothe you. They stimulate you and fire off dopamine which gives you a false sense of comfort. Dopamine is a “love drug” compound present in the body as a neurotransmitter that makes us “feel good”. This compound is released first thing in the morning when it is time to wake up when we receive a hug or make love with someone we care about. It is caused by so many pleasant experiences along with things we ingest into the body. The foods and drinks we ingest can cause a false dump of dopamine into our system due to its chemical makeup. Carbs are one of those items. With this combination of cultural conditioning and a false alarm of dopamine, we are conditioned to reach for carbs when we really need to be reaching for a vital resource of dopamine. And there lies the million-dollar question… How? If we find ourselves alone or even “lonely” in a relationship. Finding those natural resources may be challenging.

Awareness and Desire for a High Frequency life is the golden key.

Once we realize that carbs have been our lover and we fine-tune that awareness’ in such a way that we even notice the patterns we are running every time we grab for a carb when we should be grabbing our own bodies unless someone else is close. I suggest you write down something called a “nourishment menu”. This is something you will write down when you are feeling good… good. This menu will contain things that you love to enjoy that fire off natural and healthy dopamine levels.

For example…

*Listening to music loudly while dancing in my underwear

*Walking around the block while listening to my favorite music

*Listening to XI stabilization frequencies

*Calling my best friend (please let your bestie know ahead of time that she is on your nourishment menu.) This way when you call and you say “hey.. this is a nourishment call”. She or he will know this is a conversation that will fortify you both and its not a bitching session.

*Make love to myself, get out the candles, oils, and soft music

*Take a huge bubble bath

and so on... It is important to list everything you can think of all while you already feel fabulous.

Next time you find yourself grabbing for a carb and you realize it’s because you need a little love… reach for your nourishment menu instead...

Scroll down the list until something feels delicious. And then do it…. do it well… do it like you really mean it…

Life is meant to be lived like you fkn mean it!

With reverence and dignity, we choose this.



Nutrition… Your Intimate Lover


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