Food. Nutrition. fuel our spirit.
Consuming food is a very sacred foundation of being human and yet is the most confusing and frustrating subject we experience during our lives.
We negotiate with ourselves on what to eat, how to eat, and how much to eat, and then argue and justify all of these things as we take each bite.
How many times have you looked at the calendar and thought "fk it. It's Friday and YOLO!" There is a lot of truth in that statement toward the end of it.
You. Only. Live. Once. (as far as we know for certain) and you only get 1 body for your spirit to run around this crazy world in.
So why is it that we treat ourselves so poorly?
Why do we shove low-quality foods into our gullets? Day and day only to forget how poorly we ate the day before?
These questions burn my mind as I guide and love others toward health to the best of my ability.
As a nutritionist, the number of excuses I hear and the number of times someone says to me "I'm different. Let me regurgitate everything I heard on YouTube University as to why I won't eat THAT”
There is so much pushback when it comes to guiding someone to truly connect with the sacredness of food and their body.
The decisions we make with our fork today will affect us for many moons to come.
We can spend a lifetime pumping our bodies full of intense drugs, never drink a glass of water, become malnourished and our heart may still be pumping.
Our bodies crave survival.
As a matter of fact, we have a survival mechanism that allows the system to acclimate to a poor operating system. (WHAT!?)
We forget what it feels like to feel good, to thrive, and to physically feel radiate. I think this prevents the mind from freaking out and going into shock, not offered as permission to treat ourselves poorly.
The level of intimacy we have with our food equals the level of intimacy we have with our bodies, and that indicates the clarity we have with our spirit.
I dare you to record out loud the conversation you have with yourself when it comes to choosing what goes on your fork next.
Could you imagine that while sitting at the dinner table we could audibly hear how everyone is choosing what to order?!
Choose your food through the lens of your spirit having a human experience and witness the upgrade in choices.
Your spirit is the brightest most sacred spirit in this human experience and is craving a vibrant vehicle to shine through.
With dignity and reverence, we choose every bite
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